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Back 13.09.2024 Campus life

BHMS welcomes a new wave of talent

As summer slowly fades into autumn, BHMS Business and Hotel Management School is gearing up for an exciting new academic term, filled with fresh faces and returning students alike.

The first two weeks have been great! The students, staff, and overall atmosphere here are so welcoming.

A global mosaic

This August, we had the pleasure of welcoming 90 new students from across the globe, each bringing unique experiences and perspectives. With backgrounds spanning various industries, disciplines, and cultures, this diverse cohort promises to spark innovation and create a vibrant, dynamic atmosphere on campus. We can’t wait to see the impact they’ll make!

First impressions

Magitha, a first-year culinary student from India shares her experience as a new student. 

“The first two weeks have been great! The students, staff, and overall atmosphere here are so welcoming. I do miss home a little, especially the food—it's a bit different from what I'm used to—but my mom just sent me a care package with some treats, so that helps!

What I love most about being here is how friendly everyone is. The teachers and staff are very approachable, and they're always ready to help with any questions or concerns. They’ll explain things ten or fifteen times without getting upset, and even if you make a mistake, they’re really understanding about it.

Another amazing thing is how BHMS encourages us to explore during our free time. I’ve only been here two weeks, and we already went on an excursion to Rigi mountain. We got there by boat and train, and the view was incredible!”

As I've explored Lucerne, I’ve come to appreciate its beauty and stunning views even more.

What new students can expect

  • Personalised support: Adjusting to life in a new country can be challenging, especially when you're unfamiliar with the language and culture. Rest assured, our staff are here to assist with everything from health insurance and accommodation to finding the nearest bank or buying a train pass. We’re committed to making your transition as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, just reach out, and we’ll guide you through it. Don’t forget to check the student handbook too—it’s packed with helpful information.
  • Academic guidance: Feeling a bit uncertain about navigating your class schedules, using E-Campus, or finding your way to class? That’s perfectly normal. We cover all of this during Orientation Day, ensuring you start your first week with confidence. And if anything is unclear later, our academic team is always available to offer guidance and help you settle smoothly into your studies.
  • Meet the faculty: In your first week, you’ll be introduced to your lecturers for the term. Our faculty, made up of leading experts in their fields, bring both extensive knowledge and real-world experience into the classroom. They are committed to providing you with valuable insights through interactive projects, ensuring you gain a deeper understanding of your subjects and enjoy a dynamic, engaging learning experience.
  • Navigating challenges: Studying in a global environment means interacting with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, which can sometimes lead to friction. This is a natural part of the experience and an opportunity for growth. If conflicts arise, don't hesitate to reach out to neutral parties like the Student Representatives or the School Counsellor. They can help facilitate constructive conversations and guide you towards positive resolutions.

The orientation day was well-organised, with the associate dean walking us through everything we needed to know. They made sure we were all set up and comfortable, and it made a big difference.

Optimistic about the future

John-Paul Di Angelo, a first-year culinary student from the USA reflects on his first few weeks.

“When I first walked through the doors during my first week, I was a bit anxious, just like everyone else. But the support I received was fantastic. The orientation day was well-organised, with the associate dean walking us through everything we needed to know. They made sure we were all set up and comfortable, and it made a big difference.

In those early days, I met so many people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Being in such a vibrant melting pot is truly uplifting and energising. As I've explored Lucerne, I’ve come to appreciate its beauty and stunning views even more. While the local culture can sometimes feel a bit reserved, I've found that once you really get to know people, their warmth and humanity shine through.

Looking ahead, I’m really optimistic about the next few months. I have a strong feeling that everything is going to go well.”
